Researcher Fred Greenstein has put forth a number of traits that he has determin


Researcher Fred Greenstein has put forth a number of traits that he has determin

Researcher Fred Greenstein has put forth a number of traits that he has determined to be important for a successful presidency. Your task is to choose two of those traits and apply them to President Joe Biden. In short, to what extent has President Biden displayed (or failed to display) those traits during his presidency. In doing so, you should make certain to clearly define that trait and discuss why that trait (or lack thereof) has been so important. Be sure to include at least one specific example that supports your arguments for each trait. Please note that this assignment is asking you to provide an objective evaluation, so you must make certain to view President Biden from the lens of an unbiased observer. Even if you disagree with the policy stances our president has taken, you can still acknowledge where he has succeeded, and even if you agree with his views, you can acknowledge his failings.
The reading is posted in the “Topic 7: Executive Branch” folder. Also, you should make sure to properly cite any outside sources, which you must use when you develop a discussion of any specific examples. Failure to cite sources will lead to a reduction in points for the assignment.


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