For this virtual field trip, you will have a unique opportunity to explore the f


For this virtual field trip, you will have a unique opportunity to explore the f

For this virtual field trip, you will have a unique opportunity to explore the fashion industry from both artistic and business perspectives.
Instructions This assignment should be completed in APA format. Please include a separate reference of all resources used for the assignment. Include a cover page and any supporting visuals. Any paper submitted without a reference page will lose 5%. All papers are to be submitted in a word document or pdf format, not other formats will be accepted. This assignment should be 3 to 4 pages, not including your reference page.
Assignment Objective To explore the influence of cultural factors on fashion. Task Pre-Assignment Research Conduct background research on the theme featured in the exhibition to provide context for your observations. This can be done with a Google search. During the Virtual Exhibition Visit During the virtual exhibition visit, explore the various fashion collections while paying attention to market-relevant aspects. This could include the use of materials, design innovations, branding elements, and the overall presentation of the exhibition. After you have finished the virtual exhibition, develop 2 to 3 research objectives that you would like to explore. Data Collection After the exhibition visit, collect additional data to complement your observations. This can involve analyzing social media engagement with the exhibition (research the hashtags for the exhibition on social media #NYMetropolitanMuseum, #lexiconoffashion , #lexiconoffashionexhibit) and/or researching recent fashion industry news and developments. Data Analysis Summarize your observations and findings of the data you have collected. In this section, identify trends, patterns, and insights related to your market research objectives. Report Writing Compile your findings into a comprehensive market research paper. The paper should include any supporting visuals, a summary of the exhibition, your findings and analysis, conclusions, and recommendations for stakeholders such as fashion designers, retailers, or art galleries.


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