Your answers to the questions below are to be discussed in your typed paper due


Your answers to the questions below are to be discussed in your typed paper due

Your answers to the questions below are to be discussed in your typed paper due on Wednesday, March 6. These questions are to guide you in composing your paper. Do not email your paper. Type your assignment as a one and a half page paper double-spaced. This assignment counts for 10% of your in-class projects.
1. Record the name of the artist, the title of the work, and the date of the work.
2. From your own personal experiences, what appeals to you about the work? Color? Line? Emotional impact?
Social issues?
3. If you have chosen a portrait, how does the artist convey the personality and inner life of the subject?
4. If you have chosen a work other than a portrait, identify the subject. Does the artist suggest issues beyond the visual imagery, such as social or cultural conditions? Is the style realistic? Or is it more abstract or non-objective?
5. With your cell phone, take a picture of the work you are writing about. Include this picture with your paper.


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