QUESTION(S): For your response posts, address the following: Provide feedback


QUESTION(S): For your response posts, address the following: Provide feedback

QUESTION(S): For your response posts, address the following: Provide feedback about the role technology plays in their experience and the role it plays in yours. Compare and contrast your answers.What are the similarities and differences between your peers’ responses and yours?
How do your two responses help establish how technology and society are intertwined?
How can a perspective through the four lenses help develop a greater understanding of technology?
Remember, this assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two response posts to your classmates. You are not required to do research for this discussion. If you do refer to resources, be sure to cite the resource.
Hi my name is Brianna, I live in Homer, AK and have two adorable dogs. I am in my last few weeks before I get my Bachelor degree in Business. One technology that I use on a daily basis is a fitness tracker. This device is a small wearable technology that tracks various aspects of my physical activity, such as steps taken, calories burned, and heart rate. I wear it on my wrist like a watch and it syncs with my smartphone to provide me with detailed data and analysis of my daily fitness routine. This technology has had a significant impact on my daily life as it has motivated me to be more active and conscious of my health. It provides real-time feedback and insights, allowing me to set and achieve fitness goals for myself. As a business student, technology plays a crucial role in my chosen field of study. In today’s digital age, businesses rely heavily on technology to operate efficiently and stay competitive. Understanding the latest technological advancements and how to utilize them in a business context is essential for success in the field. My use of a fitness tracker is just one example of how technology can be integrated into a business, such as in the health and wellness industry. In my future profession, I plan to use my understanding of technology to improve processes and create innovative solutions for businesses. With a deep understanding of technology, I can identify areas where it can be leveraged to enhance productivity, customer experience, and overall business performance. Additionally, my use of a fitness tracker has taught me the importance of data analysis and how it can be used to make informed decisions in a business setting. Overall, my knowledge and use of technology will be a valuable asset in my professional career.
My name is Anthony Rushin. I am from the beautiful city of Savannah in the state of Georgia. I am currently pursuing my major in Cyber Security. I want to talk about something that is becoming increasingly common in our daily lives: biometric identification. Biometric identification uses unique physical characteristics like fingerprints, facial features, or iris patterns to verify a person’s identity n our tech-savvy world, we encounter biometric identification systems more often than we may realize. From unlocking our smartphones with a fingerprint to passing through airport security with facial recognition, biometrics are shaping the way we interact with technology and the world around us. One of the key ways I interact with biometric identification is through fingerprint scanners. At work, for example, we use fingerprint scanners to access secure areas and systems. It’s a quick and convenient way to ensure that only authorized personnel can gain entry. However, it also raises important questions about privacy and security. How secure is our biometric data? Who has access to it? And how can we ensure that it’s not being misused?
These questions tie into broader discussions about technology in society, especially regarding issues of privacy and security. While biometric identification offers convenience and enhanced security, it also presents challenges in terms of safeguarding personal data and ensuring ethical use.
In my field of Cyber Security, understanding biometric identification systems is crucial. As these systems become more prevalent, so do the potential security risks associated with them. My job will be to analyze and mitigate these risks, ensuring that biometric data is protected from unauthorized access and misuse.


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