First Assignment: The Expectation: Answer the prompt using the textbook to supp


First Assignment: The Expectation: Answer the prompt using the textbook to supp

First Assignment: The Expectation: Answer the prompt using the textbook to support your perspective. Your response has to be one complete paragraph, five complete sentences. In addition, you are expected to respond to at least one peer’s post with one complete paragraph, five complete sentences. If your post or response does not adhere to these expectations, you will not receive full credit.
Prompt: What are the two reasons that children are viewed as incapable of giving consent in sexual situations? Use examples from the textbook and cite the book. Source: Miller, C. L., Perrin, R. D., Renzetti, C. M. (2020) Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationships, Second Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.
Second assignment:
The Expectation: Answer the prompt using the video(s) to support your perspective. Your response has to be one complete paragraph, five complete sentences.
Prompt: Many cultures refuses to discuss sex! If sex is taboo, how should society talk to children about sexual abuse? Source: Youtube video(s) below

Third Assignment: Start off by watching this video of a child taking a digit span memory test. Then, complete the following working memory tasks yourself:
Corsi Block Short-Term Memory Task
Picture Short-Term Memory Task
Letter Span Task
Respond to the following prompts in a few sentences and submit it on Canvas:
What was the experience like of taking each working memory task? Was there one that you were better at? Were you surprised by your results?
What did you understand about the purpose of these tasks?
What are your thoughts about using these types of tests for children Fourth assignment:
Visit the Toy Information Page to learn about your toy options: 3: Pick one of the toys to focus on. Step 4: Use the link provided in the Toy Information Page to answer the following questions. You can either answer directly on Canvas or copy and paste into a word document and attach your document to this assignment:1. Provide a brief description of the toy. What does it look like? How do you play with it? How many people are needed to play with it? Are there any rules for playing? 2. What is the intended age group for this toy (according to the toy company)?3. What are the benefits for children associated with this toy (according to the toy company)? List as many as you can find on the toy’s website and/or Amazon page. Which ones of these are cognitive skills? (Note: think about the definition of “cognition” provided in the lecture). List as many as you can think of.4. What are some cognitive skills you think this toy supports?5. Based on Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, at what stage would children begin to master the skills described in question #3 and #4? Does it match the company’s intended age group? Please explain your answers.


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