Think of a place that is important to you in some way. It could be a place you’v


Think of a place that is important to you in some way. It could be a place you’v

Think of a place that is important to you in some way. It could be a place you’ve only been to once but made a big impact on your, or it could be a place you go to often and are very familiar with. If this is a place you cannot return to at the moment, then use your memory to recall as much about the place as you can: Where it is, how you go there, why you were there, what it was like, what impression it made on you. Use narration and description to tell us why that place is so meaningful to you. What did it teach you and why? Why do you have such a lasting impression of it?
Minimum Requirements
A clear focus and purpose. Organize your paper around one specific claim about what you gained (or lost) from your experience (in the case of prompt 1) or why the place is meaningful to you (in the case of prompt 2), and what you want to share with your readers.
An introduction that provides the context and focus of your essay.
Sufficient descriptive and narrative details to fully explain your supporting evidence.
A strong concluding paragraph that sums up the essay without being repetitive.
A descriptive and appropriate title (titles like “Paper #1” and “Narrative/Descriptive
Essay” are neither descriptive nor appropriate).
Your paper must use MLA formatting, including a 4-line header.
If you use any sources (though you are not required to), make sure that you give credit to the sources in your paper.
Proofread carefully before you submit your assignment. Your paper should be written in standard, edited American English.
Required Length: 600-750 words (not including any “Works Cited” pages), in a standard, 12-point font.
Participate in all stages of the writing process and the the assignments related to the paper project.
Your grade for this assignment will be based on both the quality of your writing and the ability to use the conventions of narrative and descriptive writing. Give yourself ample time to assess the writing situation/context, pre-write, draft, revise, and carefully edit your essay. Your grade will also be based on the work that you put into the paper. If you do not participate in the various exercises of the writing process as we work through this project, you will not receive full credit for the assignment, and in some cases the paper will not be accepted at all.


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