view this brief older video wit

WRITE MY ESSAY view this brief older video wit view this brief older video with Porter from Harvard explaining his famous 5 Force Model as it pertains to the airline industry.
Also, check out this recent web-based overview by “Cascade” of the 5 Force Model – there are some great much more recent example/applications of the model – e.g. for the music industry, Walmart, Uber and Spotify.
Next, after reviewing previous student submissions, pick a different example, (one not picked/explained yet) – please select a well-know organization and interpret the organization’s strategic situation based on either the Five Forces model. This can also be your own organization or one you intend to join at some point in the future, even if it is not a highly well known firm. Otherwise, you are welcome to take a “deeper dive” on one of the examples given in the “Cascade” overview to expand upon / comment upon the example, from your perspective and making use of at least 2 other sources – include working links.


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