We have seen some public figures criticize the idea of participation trophies fo


We have seen some public figures criticize the idea of participation trophies fo

We have seen some public figures criticize the idea of participation trophies for children. Yet, we could probably go to many fields/courts this weekend where participation trophies are given freely and some where trophies are quite restricted. As we consider these early/middle childhood ages (4-14 years old), it might be useful to imagine how a developmental theorist like Erik Erikson would consider the question and compare it to our own opinions.
Imagine that you are Erik Erikson.
Explain the stages of your theory that would match up during these age ranges (4-14). (HINT: The age range crosses over a few of Erikson’s stages on purpose.)
How might you (taking on the role of Erikson) support/refute the giving of the trophies? In other words, what do you think his stance would be, and why? As an example, “If I were Erikson, I’d probably think…
Compare/contrast your developmental opinions with Erikson’s probable stance.
Explain your own logical position (make sure to focus on reasons, “I think” instead of “I feel”) although you can include other emotional statements if you wish.
Write your responses in separate paragraphs and label clearly when you are writing as Erikson or writing as yourself.
In your replies, please make certain to find people with whom you disagree and consider responses to their arguments (instead of personal attacks). Consider phrases like, “There are a few reasons why I don’t agree with your conclusion…”.
Make sure to copy/paste the questions with your work.
If you use sources outside of the text, then make sure to provide citation next to those ideas to link the source with the content.


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