Please write a four-page reflection/reaction paper on the following book: Audet,


Please write a four-page reflection/reaction paper on the following book: Audet,

Please write a four-page reflection/reaction paper on the following book: Audet, C., & Pare, D. (2017). Social justice and counseling: Discourse in practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
Class assignment: read and then write a reflection on The above noted book.
Include the following sections:
Introduction (.5 page)
Please write a brief introduction which should include a brief synopsis of what the book discusses in the entire book. Main message and various aspects covered.
Personal Reflection (1 -1.5 pages)
Please write a brief reflection on a few areas of the book and how they may be helpful to someone aiming to become a therapist (me). Suggestions on areas to reflect on (not limited to) : Chapter 9
Chapter 12 because I work with a number of people who are Trans identifying.
Conclusion ( 1/2 page-ish) Please reflect on how this book was helpful to learning more about points of consideration as I begin my work as a therapist.
Add anything else that you think is appropriate. Please write in the FIRST person as a reflection paper.


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