Professor’s Instrcutions: Attend a seminar, talk, presentation, colloquium, or w


Professor’s Instrcutions:
Attend a seminar, talk, presentation, colloquium, or w

Professor’s Instrcutions:
Attend a seminar, talk, presentation, colloquium, or workshop at UTA or elsewhere. Cannot be a class you are taking for credit or auditing.
• Topic must be related to computer engineering, computer science, or software engineering.
• Submit a 2.5 to 3.5 page report via Canvas Assignment Uplink, remember to include your signed academic Integrity form – See Class Schedule for Due Date.
• Report format
– Your name and date of submission
– Date, time & place of the talk
– Speaker’s name and affiliation
– Title/topic of the talk
– Sponsoring organization
– 2 ½ to 3.5 page word narrative summary of the talk
– The paper must include a summary of what is discussed in the seminar.
– Discuss in Conclusion what did you find Interesting and Helpful ; how is the topic relevant to your major?
– Identify at least 2 issues covered by the seminar and discuss the pros and cons of both sides of the issue.
– Conduct additional research form the internet, library, or other authoritative sources (subject matter experts, academia,
business professionals) to support your discussion on the issues. Document your research process and results.
– Discuss your appreciation of the need for life long learning/continuing professional development based upon experience in this
• Structure of Paper should follow the format:
– Front Matter (Title Page, with Student Name and ID#, Assignment Title, Date & Time of Talk, Speaker’s name and affiliation, Title
/topic of Talk, Sponsoring Organization)
– Introduction
– Discussion of issues (Pro’s & Con’s)
– Conclusions
– References as applicable
My Instructions:
Follow the professor’s instructions, except the folllowing: -Do not worry about the integrity form, I will attach that later. -You wont attend anything, instead watch the following video:


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