Reflection paper: (4 pages, double spaced plus transcript, coding sheet and ref


Reflection paper: (4 pages, double spaced plus transcript, coding sheet
and ref

Reflection paper: (4 pages, double spaced plus transcript, coding sheet
and reference page. No title page.)
1. Use current APA style, double spaced, Times New Roman, 1” margins, 12 pt
2. Reflect on your own identities (e.g., gender, ethnicity) and how those
identities may or may not privilege you in society. How might your identities
and/or privilege impact how you engaged with your simulated client?
3. Discuss how you engaged your client, what OARS skills you used and
whether you fell into MI communication traps and/or how you avoided traps.
Please integrate information from class and readings on MI (at least 3
sources w/one being from a peer reviewed journal article published within
the last five years) to support your discussion in order to demonstrate that
you have examined and understand the material. Use of PPTs presented in
class and/or personal communication w/me do not count toward your 3
sources of MI information. The MITI 4.2.1 and your text can be (and
should be) cited for this purpose.
4. Identify two skills you would like to improve upon and how you would
facilitate change in these skills. This can also include avoiding traps.
5. Be sure to integrate your scores (%) from the MITI. Use these scores to
inform how you critique your work. Attach the coding report sheet (see
6. You could consider following a format such as (do not use as headings):
● Introduction
● Use of questions (open vs closed ended)
● Reflective listening/scores for Simple and Complex Reflections
● Use of summaries (coded as Reflections)
● Ratio of Questions to Reflections
● % of complex reflections
● Affirming
● Traps/scores on Persuade and Confront
● Areas for improvement on skills
● Your reflections on the engagement/focusing process—how did it go overall?


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