Overview You are a business analyst for an organization that distributes pizza i


You are a business analyst for an organization that distributes pizza i

You are a business analyst for an organization that distributes pizza ingredients to various restaurants. These ingredients include dough, sauces, and toppings. Your organization wants to expand its customer base but does not know what kind of restaurant or which U.S. region to target. You have been given a Clean Customer Sales Data Set that is a representative sample of the sales at your customers’ restaurants for 2015 and 2016. This also contains household income data for the restaurant zip codes.
You must analyze this data to help inform marketing decisions. To begin, you must analyze and visualize the given data. You will use Power BI to complete these tasks and understand the relationships and patterns within the data set.
In Module One, you identified some stakeholder requirements and performed data wrangling to clean, transform, and merge the two data sets. In this assignment, you will begin your data analysis by employing visualization techniques on the given data. The resulting visual representations of the data will illustrate the trends and patterns within the data and help organizations forecast and plan better.
Create a report that presents the data using visualization techniques best suited for the types of data included in your data set. Include the relevant screenshots of your data visualizations in the report.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Visualize and Identify Outliers: Visualize and identify any outliers in the data set using an appropriate graph.If appropriate, identify the twenty-fifth and seventy-fifth percentiles and the median.
Investigate any cases that show up as outliers and validate that the outliers are not mistakes in the data; make a note of them and describe what influence they may have on the analysis.
Data Visualization: Use appropriate visualization techniques to generate graphs for using various variables (column attributes). Describe the trends and patterns these graphs depict about the data.Generate a graph to visualize the trend in the number of orders placed in a day.
Generate a graph to visualize the trend in the number of orders placed according to the order time.
Generate graphs to show the number of orders placed according to times of day, restaurant categories, cities, zip codes, and states.
Generate graphs that show the times during which there are more and fewer orders.
Generate graphs that show the amount spent on pizza.
Rationale: Justify your choice of visualization technique for each of the above graphs.Are there any additional variables that you think will help uncover more patterns and trends in the data set? Explain.Which visualization techniques will you choose for these variables?
What to Submit
Submit a 4- to 5-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.


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