Open a Word document. Type your name and date at the top of your page. Respond t


Open a Word document.
Type your name and date at the top of your page.
Respond t

Open a Word document.
Type your name and date at the top of your page.
Respond to each of the following 8 questions with a typed, one-half page, single spaced response stated in paragraph format with 12 pt Times New Roman font. When finished, upload your typed responses here (in the Assignments section of CougarView). Please use MLA format for references and works cited slide. 1) In the form of a paragraph, identify 7 foundational steps of the problem-solving process as discussed this semester. Then, explain how you might apply each step of this process to solve a complicated problem (for example, how to solve a complicated algebra problem, or how to synthesize all the material you have researched for an end-of-term paper). 2) Information competency is the ability to determine what information is necessary, and then to locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information. What are 5 key considerations when implementing the process of identifying, evaluating, and effectively using academic sources? How can this process impact the acquisition of positive results when completing college assignments? Please identify a sample college assignment. Then, discuss how each stated consideration might be applied.
3) Define the terms Growth Mindsets as postulated by Carol Dweck. Then, identify a scenario applicable to college students in which the concept of growth mindsets can be applied. Write a description for the scenario. Then, state and discuss at least five actions that would demonstrate a growth mindset in the scenario described. 4) Define the terms Design Thinking. Within your response, identify three core activities of design thinking and discuss how human-centeredness impacts these activities. Next, identify a scenario applicable to college students in which the concept of design thinking can be applied. Write a description for the scenario. Then, state and discuss at least 5 corresponding actions that apply these activities to a real-life scenario. 5) Identify a leader in the design thinking field and a design product created by this individual. State how the concept of human-centeredness was incorporated into the product design and what impacts this product has had on the audience. Also, discuss how this product design implementation differs from the traditional problem-solving process in your response.
6) Identify and discuss one concept learned this semester but not covered on the midterm. Then, state how you will apply the principles learned to a learning experience on campus or in the community.
7) Discuss the aspects of viability, feasibility and desirability in design thinking production. How does prototyping fit into this form of innovation? Give an example to support your response.
8) Language is an important aspect of formulating growth mindsets. In the form of a paragraph, identify a scenario in which growth mindsets can be applied and discuss what types of language can be used to formulate a growth mindset for the stated scenario. Please illustrate as you formulate your response.


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