v i s u a l l e t t e r f o r m s i n w o r d s t r u c t u r e – (sample word


v i s u a l l e t t e r f o r m s i n w o r d s t r u c t u r e – (sample word

v i s u a l l e t t e r f o r m s i n w o r d s t r u c t u r e – (sample word above is w – a – i – t – e – d)
ConceptThe goal of this assignment is to continue the process of developing your ability to see letter forms as shapes rather than traditional phonetic components in support of verbal communication. This will be difficult due to our prior experiences with letters being almost entirely phonetic; characters to form words, sentences and ideas. It is a way of seeing you will need to perfect so when using type in designing page layouts, those typographic areas of text and headline will become art elements along with photos and drawings in your 2-dimensional space divisions.
You will find all necessary letters to visually spell a 6 to 9 letter word of your choice, from chosen digital photographs of similar content (above samples are Misty Landscapes). Look for shape edges, overlaps, contrasting colors edge to edge and other physical relationships that imply the physical form of letters. (reference demonstration and classroom sample presentation) An uninformed observer will only see a beautiful photographic series when viewing your letter form construction. The presentation of the series of photographs side by side should then by juxtaposition only, reveal the visually hidden typographic word. You must not crop the photographs so closely that the only apparent image is the letter form itself. Each photograph in the series must be able to stand alone as a viable composition worthy of praise regardless of any relationship to a word representation. Your series will be presentedon a neutral gray background, with margins that are appropriate to image series size. (reference demonstration and classroom presentation) This process, applied properly, will be critical to your eventual use of typography as compositional elements and for the choice of appropriate type styles in Graphic Design projects.
Student Learning OutcomesUpon successful completion of this assignment you should be able to:
See form first not phonetic content in typographic samples
Choose appropriate font style, form, and usage in Graphic Design presentations


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