this is the topic. Create a WIKI that distinguish the difference between individ


this is the topic. Create a WIKI that distinguish the difference between individ

this is the topic. Create a WIKI that distinguish the difference between individual responsibility, unit responsibility, and organizational (system) responsibility for quality and safety based on the topic of your weekly learning. Team WIKI’s include one page per student for their weekly updates based on concise examples in practice that demonstrate effective use of learning.
Step 1: (5 pts) Edit prior WIKI information if needed based on prior weeks grading feedback.
Step 2: (5 pts) Enter week and topic into column 1
Step 3: (12 pts) Provide an example of how you as a nurse can implement an element of the week’s learning into practice (limit of 50 words for the example)
Step 4: (12 pts) Provide an example of how your nursing unit can implement an element of the week’s learning into practice (limit of 50 words for the example)
Step 5: (12 pts) Provide an example of how your organization can implement an element of the week’s learning into practice (limit of 50 words for the example)
Step 6: (4 pts) Format the WIKI so the area of content is in four columns
NOTE: Each column entry weeks two through eight should be concise and no more than 50 words in each column. Learn to be concise and just list the example that demonstrates the area of application. No citations or references are required on the WIKI.


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