i try to do it, but i can’t but i know some of the answers Original Loan Amount


i try to do it, but i can’t but i know some of the answers
Original Loan Amount

i try to do it, but i can’t but i know some of the answers
Original Loan Amount 350000
Original Loan Interest Rate 4.750%
New Loan Interest Rate 3.50%
Loan Term (Years) 30
Monthly Escrow Payment 500
Interest rate on credit card 18.00%
Monthly Credit Card Payment 225
Currently credit card debt 10000
Additional Funds for Renovation 20000
New Loan amount 370000
Loan Fees Rate 1%
HELOC interest rate 6.50%
HELOC Terms(month) 60.00
Monthly mortgage payment Currently $1,825.77 =PMT(B2/12,B4*12,-B1)
Total monthly expenditure $2,550.77 =B16+B5+B7
Current outstanding loan balance with LOAN FEE 346500 =B1-(B1*B11)
and for pv is 332998.4
heloc is 16498.40
the two weighted are 5.12% and 3.64%
and that all i had, and please answer all questions, for question you need an write why.
give me an excel, that list all the infos, have each calculateion step by steps and also the formula inculde in excel ways
Comments from Customer
when it sys pay off your credit card its -10000 not how much you have left. and also the escrow is in everything becasue its property tax and insurance, even tho i give you the some of the answer numbers, i still need see formula for all calculation in excel


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