Assignment TOPIC: Will AI chatbots benefit or harm student learning in higher ed


TOPIC: Will AI chatbots benefit or harm student learning in higher ed

TOPIC: Will AI chatbots benefit or harm student learning in higher education?
AI chatbots, like ChatGPT, are very new and especially in its use in higher education. There are no current regulations that have been instiutionalized at colleges and universities and even its technology is changing everyday.
Give what we currently know about AI chatbots, write a 3-4 page argumentative essay that expands on your timed essay for this unit. You may use as much of your timed essay as you want, but your goal is to improve your essay so that it is stronger and more persuasive.
An argumentative essay is a paper that requires a student to form an opinion with a little bit of research and to support their opinion with specific examples, explanation and details.
Remember to use the thesis + outline template to help you organize your ideas. Here is a Download to help you organize your ideas. Here is a sample thesis + outline for this paper.
To consider many perspectives and to think critically about a given topic.
To understand what dialogue has occurred about the subject and to locate one’s own ideas among these dialogues.
To provide a central thesis statement and to support that thesis statement with evidence from your analysis.
Submit your paper as a pdf or Word doc/docx file. A file typed through Apple Pages or any other format will NOT be accepted. Must be typed and double-spaced with 1” margins on all sides and standard 12 pt. font. The paper should include an informative and interesting title (do not use “Paper #2” or just the topic as your title).
Papers must be a minimum of three FULL pages in length (not including the heading and title). Papers that are shorter than three FULL pages in length will not earn a strong grade. The paper must be at least 5 paragraphs long including the introductory and concluding paragraphs.
At least some of your evidence must come from the assigned readings.
comment of my essay
Good draft essay, Moebius! Please review my comments below to either keep or make improvements for your next drafts:
-good intro
-I like your thesis, but I think your topic sentences need to connect more clearly to the points in your thesis (or reword your thesis to connect to your topic sentences)
-good development in your body paragraphs but remember to add support from class/outside readings along with appropriate citations
-the topic of your 3rd body paragraph is too similar to the topic sentence of your 2nd body paragraph
-make sure your concluding sentences for each paragraph refers back to your topic sentence
-good conclusion paragraph
-remember to fix grammar, punctuation and typo errors for your next draft


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