2 page essay on analyzing and discussing the message of the poem and what the po


2 page essay on analyzing and discussing the message of the poem and what the po

2 page essay on analyzing and discussing the message of the poem and what the poem represents about society in the poem “In response to executive order 9066,” by Dwight Okita. https://rccd.instructure.com/courses/74154/files/14168499?verifier=PZNBFlkP4ivkB6qBbeTSTO565nhRs5L3JoC6jrhh&wrap=1
Reference poetic elements such as theme, rhyme, alliteration, metaphor, simile, symbols, imagery and discuss what effect those elements have. You do NOT have to reference each one; instead explain and refer to them when appropriate.
Include quotes from the poems as evidence. To further your analysis, you could then discuss diction/vocabulary used in the lines quotes.
Discuss context (a bit about the author and/or time period the poem was written in).
If you would like to research the poets listed, I recommend using the webpage poetryfoundation.org
Make sure to cite and format the quotescorrectly. For poems, use the line number you’re quoting, summarizing, or paraphrasing instead of page number. When quoting multiple lines at once, use a slash/ to indicate where the line breaks from one line to the next.
Use this page (https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_formatting_quotations.html) from Purdue OWL for more help and formatting rules.
Essay should be in MLA format (Times New Roman, double-spaced, header, 1 inch margins, etc. ).
Include a Works Cited page, even if you only write about 1 poem. This will not count as one of the pages
Essay should be written in third person point of view (stay away from “I, we, us, you” pronouns)


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