Students will be required to explore the HFMA web site for articles of significa


Students will be required to explore the HFMA web site for articles of significa

Students will be required to explore the HFMA web site for articles of significant size in the HFM Journal or HFMA Leadership magazines. Editorials, blogs, or opinion pieces are not accepted.
Analysis should answer the following questions in narrative form:
1. What key questions or problems does the author raise and why?
2. What information, data, or evidence does the author present to support the purpose of the article?
3. What key conclusions is the author coming to? Are those conclusions justified?
4. What are the implications of the author’s reasoning for the field of health administration?
Article analysis assignments must be typed, double-spaced, using 12 point Times New Roman font, with 1” margins, and your name and paper title as a header in the upper right hand corner. A copy of the article must accompany the analysis. Papers will be graded based on grammar, format, and on the following criteria:
Criteria and Standards
Full credit
·Interpretation of content is completely accurate.
·Identifies and describes precise and explicit supporting evidence (facts).
·Strongly connects new content to previous learning (elaboration).
·Draw accurate conclusion based upon interpretations, connections, and integration.
·Provides strong reason(s) for the conclusion.
·Follows required format
Half credit
·Interpretation of content is somewhat accurate. Somewhat follows format.
·Identifies supporting evidence; description is somewhat accurate or clear.
·Satisfactorily connects new content to previous learning.
·Draws a somewhat accurate conclusion based upon interpretations, connection, and integration.
·Provides adequate reason(s) for the conclusions.
No credit
·Interpretation of content is inaccurate; facts are misleading.
·Supporting evidence is missing, incorrect, or irrelevant.
·Fails to elaborate or elaboration is extremely weak. Format not followed.
·Conclusion drawn or reasons supporting it are inadequate or missinG


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