Start with a dynamic warm-up for weight you can use a backpack with books in it!


Start with a dynamic warm-up for weight you can use a backpack with books in it!

Start with a dynamic warm-up for weight you can use a backpack with books in it! Or maybe just a book or anything that has some weight! 40 seconds work/20 seconds rest X5
Round 1
Pull throughs (in push-up plank position, pull backpack or book from side to side) -do shoulder taps if you don’t have any weight
Reverse lunge-cross bag diagonally down toward hip
Round 2 40/20 X5
High Rows
Jumps or hops over bag
Single leg RDL
RDL ExampleLinks to an external site.
1 minute -half burpee with heartbeat chest press with bag
Leg Burner -30 seconds each X2
Lateral lunge — side to side
skater plyos
squat jumps
Core 20 seconds each X2
Plank-shoulder tap
Plank-hip taps
Plank-knee tap
Plank-foot tap
***When you have completed the workout, please log your efforts here! Don’t forget to include the FIIT details! Rubric
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeType of exercise completed
2 ptsMode and details complete
0 ptslimited details
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTime of exercise sessions tracked
1 ptsTime component for each workout included
0 ptsNo mention of time of workouts
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntensity variables included
2 ptsIntensity variable for each workout included. Heart rate, steps per day and description of intensity.
0 ptsLimited detail on intensity or not mentioned at all
2 pts
Total Points: 5


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