Type of microorganism you have Gram reaction (if any), shape and arrangement Vir


Type of microorganism you have
Gram reaction (if any), shape and arrangement

Type of microorganism you have
Gram reaction (if any), shape and arrangement
Virulence factors
How the organism evades the immune system
Diseases your organism can cause.
How your organism can spread to others
Ways to prevent infection
How your organism will be treated
What a nurse needs to know about your organism
Prepare an APA format typed essay that documents YOUR understanding of the information and how it pertains to your assigned organism. APA is 12 point font Times New Roman with one-inch margins. Include a title and reference page and 3 to 5 content pages (total 5 to 7 pages).
Include at least 4 APA style references from scholarly articles or resources. For each reference, you will provide an in-text citation by providing a quote or paraphrasing the author’s information. See the Rubric for complete requirements. Unit 9: Upload your completed APA style paper to the Drop Box located in module 9. Criteria for success: (Grading Rubric)
1. The student has thoroughly described the structure of the assigned microbe in detail, including the microbiological tools that would be necessary to observe the organism and virulence factors.
2. The student has thoroughly described the infectious disease caused by the assigned microbe, including conditions, duration of infection, complications, and predisposing factors.
3. All aspects concerning the interactions between the microbe and the human immune system were fully addressed. (all items or terms that are listed are described or explained in a very complete manner).
4. All aspects concerning the transmission of the assigned microbe between hosts are fully addressed. An original diagram created by the student is used to address epidemiology. 5. All aspects concerning the chemotherapeutic options for the assigned microbe are fully addressed.
6. All aspects concerning the clinical relevance of the assigned microbe are fully addressed.
7. The student can accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary using written and/or graphical means consistently throughout the assignment.
8. The overall presentation is 100% complete, orderly, and demonstrates scholarly achievement including APA format, proper grammar, and punctuation.
9. At least 4 sources have been referenced, cited in-text, and references are from reputable sources
The purpose of the paper is to enhance student understanding of the concepts of microbiology and how
microorganisms interact with their host by applying these concepts to a specific microorganism. Additionally,
this assignment serves as an artifact showing that students have demonstrated achieving the competency on
scientific literacy. General Education Competency 6 states: Learners will gain the ability to read with
understanding scientific content and engage in dialogue about scientific issues.
The Microorganism Profile Paper requires the ability to apply scientific knowledge that you acquire both
inside and outside the microbiology classroom. You will also be required to communicate your knowledge of
microbiological concepts in written and graphical means. You will construct a comprehensive profile of a
microorganism that you are assigned by the faculty using the guidance document below. This microorganism
is a pathogen that you may encounter in your nursing career. As you progress through the paper, you will be
asked to provide written explanations of microbiological concepts in your own words. Your paper will also
need to include a diagram that you create, demonstrating how your assigned microbe is transmitted. All
written answers are expected to meet accepted standards for grammar, syntax, and punctuation, and the
paper will be submitted in APA format. Proper microbiology terminology is also expected. The completed
paper is to be submitted electronically via the Assignment Drop Box in Canvas in week 9.
The Big Picture:
As you progress through this course, you will acquire information in a sequential, topic-specific manner. Each topic will include information that is relevant to this assignment. For example, the knowledge you gain from
the lesson on bacterial cell morphology will be applied to the first paper topic, “Cell Morphology and Growth
Requirements.” Your answers are expected to include information from sources that go beyond the textbook
or classroom. Examples include peer-reviewed journal articles, interviews with clinicians who deal with
microbes daily, personal experiences, and other reputable sources. You are expected to clearly understand the
meaning of each topic before you construct your answer. For example, you are expected to know the meaning
of “epidemiology” and to understand the topics that are connected to it. Don’t forget to read and understand
the rubric before you start. Refer to it often: it will help guide you through the process.
Your pathogen profile paper will cover the following topics:
1. Description of the Microorganism
2. Virulence Factors
3. Immunity – which components of the immune system would protect the patient.
4. Infectious Disease Information
5. Epidemiology – diagram (original student created)
6. Prevention
7. Treatment
8. Clinical Relevance
9.References – a minimum of 4 APA style
Parker, N., Schneegurt, M., Thi Tu, A., Forster, B. M., Lister, P., Allen, S., … Franklund, C. (2016). Microbiology. OpenStax at Rice University. https://openstax.org/details/books/microbiology


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