Choose one of the theorists who have made both a historical and current contribu


Choose one of the theorists who have made both a historical and current contribu

Choose one of the theorists who have made both a historical and current contribution to psychology and learning. Aristotle
Rene Descartes
John Waston
Ivan Pavlov
Clark Hull
Edward Tolman
Albert Bandura
Edward Thorndike
Albert Ellis
Ivar Lovass
Mary Cover Jones
Feel free to choose someone else, if you want, however, reach out to me so I can confirm who they are if they are not on this list.
Be sure to include the following: The history of the theorist is related to his personal and professional life. Be sure that you discuss the theory and work that contributes to psychology and learning.
Discuss any criticism of the theories (include any ethical and multicultural considerations)
Your paper should be in APA 7th edition. You can use resources for APA style such as the one attached below. Your paper should be 5 pages long, including Page #1: Title Page
Pages 2,3,4: Body of Text
Page 5: Reference (minimum 4 references)


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