MW 1 REPLY TO DISCUSSION The future is here! Robots may not always deliver the b


The future is here!
Robots may
not always deliver the b

The future is here!
Robots may
not always deliver the benefits they promise. Fletcher (2018) describes
the experience of an animal charity in San Francisco that had security
problems with break ins, vandalism, and local drug users who made staff
and visitors feel unsafe. They employed a 1.5-meter tall Knightscope
security robot. The robot patrolled nearby car parks and alleyways,
taking video recordings and saying “hello” to passersby; however, it was
accused of harassing homeless people. Calls for retribution appeared on
social media, and the charity suffered more vandalism. The robot was
regularly tipped over and actually suffered vandalism itself. Robots
with artificial intelligence routinely provide care for children and the
elderly. They work in hospitals, perform surgery, and play a range of
analytical roles in offices. But Fletcher sees the spread of workplace
robots as a major challenge. Consider the following questions, provide responses, and then discuss your colleagues’ responses in this week’s discussion.
How far are we willing to, or should we at all, let robots into the workplace? What kinds of roles are acceptable for robots and which are not? Most importantly, who sets the rules for how robots behave and how they decide on priorities when interacting with people? Using
a multimedia tool of your choice, provide one of your responses as a
multimedia item. Then, your remaining two responses may be text-based.
Fletcher, S. (2018). What makes a good robot co-worker? Retrieved from to an external site.
Hello Professor and class,
The integration of robots into the workplace poses crucial questions
about ethics and governance. As we dive into the integration of robots
in the workplace, we must navigate ethical and practical considerations
as such. When dealing with robots, we can argue they offer efficiency
and safety benefits, as it is seen in healthcare and analytical roles,
their deployment requires careful calibration. On the flip
side, the incident with the security robot underscores the importance of
sensitivity and oversight in their implementation. In retrospec we must
establish a clear guideline on permissible roles for robots. We must
also, prioritize tasks for them to enhance human capabilities, without
infringing on dignity or exacerbating societal divides. Governance
frameworks must be established collaboratively, involving experts,
policymakers, and affected communities to ensure robots’ behavior aligns
with ethical standards and societal values.
Other tasks
enhancing productivity and safety, like healthcare and analytical
functions, seem acceptable. However, roles involving security patrols,
could be alarming. Establishing clear guidelines and regulations becomes
imperative. This ensures alignment with ethical standards and societal
values, in a human-robot work environment.
Hello class and professor,
intelligence is a hot topic in the business world, with new AI
development constantly being advertised as the next steps of the future.
The question of how far are we willing to let robots go in the
workplace is an interesting one, that I do not believe yet has an
answer. Companies are looking at AI as a tool that can help manage
labor, error factors and efficiencies. The idea that an artificial
device can manage these costly things is intriguing to many companies
and hard to say no to. As AI continues to develop, I believe we will see
it go much farther in business and ultimately take over multiple jobs
throughout all industries.
There are certain roles that AI could
successfully take over and there are certain rolls where AI just does
not have a place. Though AI has strength in calculating, formatting and
documentation, the thing AI lacks is people skills. There are certain
rolls that require personal finesse: therapists, caregivers, and social
workers are examples of these rolls. Another skill that AI can’t do is
develop new thoughts and theories, which means that AI could not take
the roll of scientists, researchers or professionals who need to problem
solve. While there are many rolls that AI can’t currently do,
there are many available places that AI does fit. And for these rolls,
there need to be guidelines on how and when it is used. As of now AI is
not regulated by the government, but that will change as AI continues to
grow with state regulations being drafted currently. For now,
regulations need to be managed by leadership teams with clear parameters
Log into Mcgraw Hill (employment law)
a look at the Six Images of Change Management in Chapter 2. There are
six images listed, and they are Director, Navigator, Caretaker, Coach,
Interpreter, and Nurturer. Read the full descriptions of each. Consider the following questions, provide responses, and discuss your colleagues’ responses in this week’s discussion.
Is it likely that most people will have one dominant image of change management? Why? Why not?
Are change leaders more likely to be successful if they remain faithful to their dominant style(s)? Why? Why not?
Are change leaders who have the capacity to apply a range of different images more likely to be successful? Why? Why not?
your judgment, do most managers have the behavioral flexibility to move
between different styles, or do they tend to apply just one or a
limited range of approaches? Explain.
Using a multimedia
tool of your choice, provide one of your responses as a multimedia item.
Then, your remaining two responses may be text-based.
Hello class and professor,
There are six images of change management:
DirectorManagement has the control
NurturerWhere small changes have large impact
CaretakerContrains are from internal and external forces
CoachThe right skills are build to achieve the right outcome
InterpreterCreates meaning for others in the organization
NavigatorManager is still in control but external factors do come into play
most people do have one dominant image of change management, as the
individual gains skills and knowledge people can gain other images as
well. Once the understanding and knowledge is there, it is best if
people use all their knowledge to determine what the best skill is for
the situation. Going beyond the dominant image of change management and
leaning into others will only make them stronger to make these decisions
in change management. When a change leader can apply different images,
there is more opportunity for success. Being able to conform to
different situations and have the knowledge to know when to apply a
specific skill will help benefit everyone involved. I believe that the
best managers can confirm to different styles. There are so many
different types of situations and associate styles and being able to
adjust to these individual situations makes the manager have a stronger
approach. Versatility can go along way when trying to implement changes
and adapting as needed will always be a benefit.
Hello everyone,
think people can be open to other types of change management but have a
preference on what they prefer. As we go through life we experience
different things that affect what we believe. Sometimes it can change
our perspectives or sometimes it can strengthen what we originally
believe. In the company that I work for we recently changed our software
system. They had set up training a year before it launched but training
was one day a week every week and we had to even stop training for two
months. This was ineffective because it was hard for us to retain what
we learned when it was only once a week. And when we had questions they
weren’t able to answer us. When we launched the new system some employee
in other departments cried and quit. Going through this change, change
leaders would need to be able to apply a range of different images as
everyone is different and there is no one size fits all when it comes to
learning. It is hard for a change leader to be successful when if they
remain faithful to their dominant style because it may not work for all
situations. I do believe that you can be open to using different styles
and have a preferred one that like. I think one of the qualities a
manager should have is flexibility and openminded to using different
styles. Unfortunately this may not happen all the time. I have worked
with different managers, some who I have seen use different styles
depending on the person an what needs to be done. I have also see
managers who are not open with using different styles and seen employees
be frustrated and confused. (Roland et al., 2023) “Management of
long-term, complex, large-scale change has a reputation of not
delivering the anticipated benefits. A primary reason for this is that
leaders generally fail to consider how to approach change in a way that
matches their intent.” I agree with what they said, I think that
implementing a change whether big or small manager need to factor the
way it will be brought on.
WK 8
your two companies that have undergone some type of fairly substantial
change in the recent past. Find the company and the change information
online using EBSCO or using another appropriate resource in the DeVry
Library. Other ways to find information include utilizing Google, Yahoo
Finance, or Reuters and looking up annual reports of companies that
interest you. Often, reading the first sections of these reports (i.e.,
letters from CEOs) will give you ideas about changes they have gone
through in the past year(s).
You will need to ensure the following.
Your companies are publicly traded so that their information will be easy to research and find.
change in the two companies are comparable (i.e., don’t compare a new
CEO to a change in the human resources information system [HRIS]. Do
compare two changes in chief information officer.
The changes
happened in the recent past so that you will find sufficient online
information about how they were handled, but not so recent that the
information about the change results is still being researched and
WK 9
The Change Analysis—Images of Change Paper (Milestone 1)
Images section focuses on the six different images of managing change
and how each approach to change affects all that follows in its
implementation and continued support. Download the Project Images Grid
from the Course Resources area. Select three of the images of change
explained in the lesson from the grid. Then, analyze how those
particular images would affect the ensuing diagnosis and implementation
in your two selected companies on their change plans.
Here’s what to do.
the changes in each company and describe them thoroughly in a Word
document. Explain how the change impacted the companies and who it
impacted. Compare some of the similarities and differences between the
change in the two companies.
Review your prepared grid, and
select three images of change from your grid. Complete the empty blocks
on the grid for those three images using outlines, bullet points, and
rough ideas for both company’s change.
In a Word document,
analyze, compare, and contrast the three images and explain how the
behaviors of those images would be different or the same during your
companies’ changes and how those differences could (or did) impact the
success (or failure) of the change, comparing and contrasting the
results at both companies.
Explain which image (or combination of images) you feel would have best facilitated the described change, and explain why.
on the information you read about the results of this change, state
which image you think the leader of the change actually resembled the
most. You may speculate on which image you feel best represents the
change agent at either or both of the companies. This will depend on how
much information you found about the internal workings of the company
during the change.
This paper should focus on evidence that
demonstrates how the management of the organization integrated one or
more of the six images of managing change, how effective the change was,
and what management could have done differently to increase the
probability of successfully implementing the strategic change
initiative. Again, this is a compare and contrast paper, so include
information about both companies in your report.
Grading Rubric Category
Total points
Properly filled out and submitted change grid showing your initial analysis and notes.
Documentation and Formatting
is properly referenced according to APA guidelines with at least four
references, properly cited and in-text citations included.
Company Selection
Two companies selected, briefed, and referenced.
Organizational Change
A thorough description of the change explained.
Company Comparison
Comparison of the two companies, similarities and differences of the changes, and the results.
Change Management Image
Explain which image (or combination of images) you feel would have best facilitated the described change and explain why.
HRM Outcome A
distinct professional HR competencies and practical applications in HR
management to ensure that an organization’s most important asset is
available, capable and effective in an ever-changing business
Total Points
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
WK 10
Determining the Change (Milestone 2)
a diagnostic model that you can utilize to review aspects of change
activities and actions that have been taken by the companies chosen. For
this analysis, we are looking at the parts of the companies as well as
their strategies, as surmised by your earlier research. It is
acknowledged that this information will not be complete as you are
looking at these companies as an outsider, but a thoroughly researched
paper will give enough data to allow some well-defended assumptions on
your part.
Here’s what to do.
Select one diagnostic
model (i.e., 6-box, 7S, congruence, or one of the others) to apply to
the two chosen companies. Choose the model that you feel best identifies
and measures the relevant aspects of the organization’s performance.
the data obtained in your research through an analysis of the
appropriate chosen model. This will allow you to create a diagnosis of
where each company is today (as per the criteria of the model).
a SWOT analysis for each of the two chosen companies’ change plans and
programs, utilizing information obtained in the diagnosis (strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats).
Compare the two company
analyses to each other and offer your perspective (value judgment) of
the effectiveness of the changes made to date in each case.
potential areas of resistance that may occur and at least one strategy
to respond to each. (This will most likely come from your weaknesses and
threats section of your SWOT. If not, take another look at your SWOT.)
Make recommendations for further actions within the organizations and the rationale chosen for these recommendations.
Write the paper, including each of the above sections and analyses.
Grading Rubric Category
Total points
Diagnostic Model
a comprehensive review of the change diagnostic model chosen that
details the components included, as well as some background about the
model itself through research from the author(s).
Documentation and Formatting
is properly referenced according to APA guidelines with at least four
references, properly cited and in-text citations included.
Model Rationale
your rationale defending why that particular model was selected. You
can utilize a review of internal and external pressures that have
affected the companies chosen.
SWOT Analysis
a SWOT analysis based on the above. Compare the two company analyses to
each other and offer your perspective (value judgment) of the
effectiveness of the changes made to date in each case.
Areas of Resistance
potential areas of resistance that were encountered or that you
anticipate may be encountered and possible actions to minimize the
negative effects of such resistance.
Include recommendations for further actions within the organizations and the rationale chosen for these recommendations.
HRM Outcome B
an interdisciplinary perspective for strategic leadership, HR
management and decision making so as to add value to the overall success
of a business enterprise.
Total Points
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
WK 11
Communicating the Change (Milestone 3)
important part of any change project is how the change is communicated
to the organization, to the change agents, to the line workers, to the
customers, and to the public. Along with media relations issues,
communicating change (especially in a publicly traded company) can
involve multiple legal and regulatory aspects as well as personnel and
management concerns. Perhaps the single most difficult piece of handling
Kotter’s “establish a sense of urgency” is that too many inexperienced
or immature change agents read this to mean “panic the troops.” Never do
This project piece will have three parts.
main part of this project component will ask you to pick one of the
company’s change plans and develop a communication plan for the company.
This plan should be submitted by using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
and setting out the stakeholders, the timeline of the communication
plan, the method of communication, the rationale for why you chose this
method of communication, the purpose of the communication, and
identifying who will do the communicating. The grid for this project can
be found in the Files section of the Course Menu and is titled Grid for
Week 6—Communication Plan.
Select one of the communication
pieces that you would have used that is listed in your communication
plan, and write the communication in a Word document (either the text or
the script, if the communication would have been oral). Be sure to
review the Week 6 information and the examples of communication plans
and types for more assistance on this piece of the project. If you use
any form of communication from templates you find online or in a
textbook, be sure to cite your source. Your instructor will grade this
based on how well it relates to the audience and stakeholder group to
which it is intended.
The real-world aspect of this project is
that you will write a one- to two-page analysis of one of the media
pieces about one of the company’s changes written (or provided via oral
media) by the company. For this section of the project, please analyze
any media, news, or other communications that explained the change going
on in the organization. Explain in your paper how the company handled
communicating the change to its stakeholders.
Grading Rubric Category
Total points
Stakeholder ID
ID Stakeholders have been identified on the Excel spreadsheet grid.
Documentation and Formatting
is properly referenced according to APA guidelines with at least two
references, properly cited and in-text citations included.
Communication Timeline
Timeline of communication has been identified and explained on the Excel spreadsheet grid.
Communication Type
The type of communication has been identified and explained on the Excel spreadsheet grid.
Communication Rationale
The rationale for why this method of communication was selected.
Communicator ID
ID correct communicator has been identified on the Excel spreadsheet grid.
Communication Pieces
At least four communication pieces listed on the Excel spreadsheet no more than six.
An analysis of the actual communication plan as seen from the public eye.
Communication Sample
A sample communication piece for the organization.
HRM Outcome C
the culture and workplace environment and propose and make HR decisions
that align with and help achieve an organization’s strategic goals.
Total Points
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
WK 12
Course Project: Final Presentation – Written Submission
written component will simply be a combination of Milestones 1, 2, and
3, completely formatted using APA writing styles. This final written
document must be uploaded in the Week 8 Final Written Assignment area.
You must ensure that your final written component includes a title page,
table of contents, and a References Page (which will include the
required 10 references from Milestones 1, 2, and 3). Keep in mind, you
will be simply compiling all three milestones and creating a final APA
style document for final submission. Also, adhere to the following
points, as you finalize this document.
Use of at least 10 references.
Remember the title page.
Remember in-text citations.
Remember the table of contents.
Use proper use of APA style.
Grading Rubric Category
Total Points
All three milestones included
In-text citations included
Proper use of APA style
At least 10 references, properly cited
Total Points
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
WK 13
Course Project: Final Presentation – Oral Multimedia Submission
will be required to upload your final oral presentation in the Week 8
Discussions Area. Your colleagues and the professor will have a chance
to view your oral presentation and comment on it in that discussions
area. This final oral presentation must also be uploaded in the Week 8
Final Oral Assignment area. It is the instructor’s option as to the
modality of each presentation (PPT Audio or Kaltura). The requirements for the audio presentation are as follows.
Course Project Presentation Introduction
Change analysis summary
Determining the change summary
Communicating the change summary
Presentation quality
Verbal presentation quality
Presentation Guidelines A. Ten to 12 minutes (maximum) are allocated for the presentation.
B. No more than 10 slides are allowed in the final oral presentation.
Do not embed any video files, audio files, or animated graphics, due to
the limitations of the Canvas LMS. C. Ensure that your presentation contains audio.
Grading Rubric Category
Total points
Introduction, presentation quality, and verbal presentation quality
Change analysis summary
Determining the change summary
Communicating the change summary
Proper use of APA style
Total Points
Total Points


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