The discussion must be 1250 words minimum in length (minus copied questions, and


The discussion must be 1250 words minimum in length (minus copied questions, and

The discussion must be 1250 words minimum in length (minus copied questions, and direct quote), written in paragraphs, contain specific details, and demonstrate an understanding of the readings and activities through the application of theories, concepts and terms.
Answer both 1a and 1b.
1a. Choose two of the 8 theoretical perspectives on families, and explain how you might use them to understand something about life in your own family or another family that you know well, using at least 2 concepts from each theory.
Theories must be clearly identified and explained. Then only address the concepts in the theory
Concepts must be defined first, explained, and then applied to examples that support the idea/concept you are writing about. (define and apply, then explain).
Write one on one theory (and its concepts) at a time, then the next and its concepts.
Once these have been addressed, move on to (1b).
1b. Do you want your family life to be similar to or different from that of your parents or the family you chose to write on? In what ways? All ideas that are not your own, must be adequately cited and referenced (in-text as well as in a reference list) in the APA-style format. You are encouraged to use refereed journals and/or other textbooks as well for your references.


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