part 1: the following reading will provide you with input you need to successful


part 1:
the following reading will provide you with input you need to successful

part 1:
the following reading will provide you with input you need to successfully complete this assignment. Executives Download Executivesby House, Layton, Livingston & Moseley from The Engineering Communication Manual. This brief chapter introduces how to effectively communicate with Executives.
Professional Tone Download Professional Tone by Dr. Gobes-Ryan. This document presents guidelines for professional writing to assist you in developing appropriate professional tone for communicating with executives. Data Source- Analytics and AI-driven enterprises thrive in the age of with: The culture catalystLinks to an external site. by Tim Smith, Ben Stiller, Jim Guszcza, and Tom Davenport from Deloitte Insights. This document contains the data you will use as evidence for your argument that your division will be more profitable if employees are proficient in statistics and probability. Review the assignment template Download assignment templateprior to
In this assignment, you will:Read, analyze, and argue with data – For this assignment, you will read, evaluate, and start developing an argument for an executive audience with statistical data you will pull from a professional document’s text and figures (charts and graphs). Critical thinking & problem-solving – For this assignment, you will review and synthesize information and data from the literature to develop evidence to support an argument you are making to an executive audience.
part 2:After the completion of the 3 elements of the IDL 2 assignment series, you will have developed a memorandum for executives in an assigned fictitious company for which you work. This memorandum will make the case for all new hires to be required to be proficient in probability and statistics, also known as data literate because of its importance to your business. In this assignment you will compose and revise the memorandum demonstrating appropriate tone and scope needed to communicate with executives. You will also demonstrate an ability to make an argument using statistics. reading part :……
then You are working for Rishe Solutions Incorporated, a 14,000 person consulting organization. You work in a 600-person division of the organization that provides client services in your field. That is, all the types of professional work products your field produces are marketed to Rishe clients as consulting services. Your manager has asked you to write a memorandum to be provided to your division leaders. This memorandum will make a case that increasing the number of employees in the division proficient in statistics and probability will make the division more profitable. The profitability will emerge from improving provided services’ quality and improving division effectiveness and efficiency. You will recommend that this be accomplished by making data literacy a requirement for all new hires. The leaders she has asked you to address the memorandum to are Verena Bonet, Vice President of [your field]; Amara Nwafor, Associate Vice President of [your field]; and Elliott Richdale, Human Resources Director for [your field]. You will also copy it to your manager, Dianne Reeves. You are to assume that these leaders are senior professionals in your field with the knowledge that entails. Specifically, Ms. Reeves is requesting that the division require and verify probability and statistics proficiency for all new hires in the division. She has tasked you with accomplishing this policy change request by:Highlighting how statistics and probability are used in the services your division provides to clients. To support your argument, this part of the document will summarize aspects of the services your division provides in which statistics and probability are applied and for what purpose each is used. Note: In this section, I expect you to use the research you did for assignment IDL 1. However, as you are writing to a different audience for a different purpose, you will use it differently. If you feel your research from IDL 1 is inadequate for this assignment, you may add additional sources.
Documenting the importance to division success of having all employees engaged in data analytics (analyzing data using probability and statistics for increased profitability and meeting division goals). For this part of the work, she is providing you with a document summarizing external research data provided by a Rishe partner, Deloitte, to support this case. She wants you to review this data for: Relevance: Is the data Deloitte collected relevant to Rishe? Are the participants from whom Deloitte collected the data similar enough to Rishe to suggest their findings would be applicable to Rishe? You will include what the data indicates, the source of the data provided, the size and reliability of the study, and how that data source aligns or not with Rishe as an organization. How does it support the claim you are making? How the data provided can support your argument that more data literate/probability and statistics proficient employees will make the division more profitable. After reviewing the data, you will use them to make the case that your division will be more profitable if more employees are able to engage in data analytics (that is applying probability and statistics knowledge.) You will recommend that the organization accomplish this by making data literacy a requirement for all new hires in the division. Please note: In the future, some of you will work in organizations with coworkers with diverse professional skills, all making a specific contribution to producing a product. This assignment is NOT structured for that type of organization. For example, you will not present this as an engineer working in a manufacturing facility. You will not present this as a cybersecurity expert working within a financial institution.


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