Prepare a financial plan based on either a real small business or a fictitious o


Prepare a financial plan based on either a real small business or a fictitious o

Prepare a financial plan based on either a real small business or a fictitious one. This is the company you introduced in your response for the Week 3 Executive Summary Assignment.
For the purposes of this curriculum, we will concentrate on the financial and funding request portions of the plan. A copy of your Week 3 Executive Summary is not required in this deliverable.
Although each plan will be unique, depending on business sector, location, stage of development, and so forth, all plans should include the following:
balance sheet (historic and one-year pro forma projections)
income statement (historic and one-year pro forma projections)
ratio analysis (incorporate trend analysis based on at least one Profitability, Liquidity, Efficiency and Leverage ratios for historical and pro-forma financial statements)
pro forma monthly cash flow projections (going forward monthly for one year)
NOTE: When preparing income, balance sheet, and cash flow pro formas, provide descriptive assumptions for each line item (e.g., rent, utilities, insurance etc.)
discussion of whether cash or accrual basis accounting will be used
discussion of types of accounting and finance software to be used
discussion of all sources and amounts of funds to be raised, along with a schedule of activity, achievement dates, and so forth
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your responses for all task items in a Word document. Refer to the syllabus writing requirement and Content/Syllabus/Course Resources/Writing Resources for more information about referencing and formatting.
Submit a 4–6 pages pager in length including appropriate source of reference when outside resources are used in your work.


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