5. To make your infographic you can use Canvas https://www.canva.com/ 6. Pick a


5. To make your infographic you can use Canvas https://www.canva.com/ 6. Pick a

5. To make your infographic you can use Canvas https://www.canva.com/ 6. Pick a template category and search for a template. You can decide how you want to present the information as long as it is clear for you classmates. 7. Once you select your template, add the information and pictures of your protein. There is an example below. Other classmates may choose the same protein but the infographic should be unique for each student. In a corner at the end you need to provide the sources for your information. From protein data bank, the source is cited as: name(s) of authors, (year) and DOI web link. Example: Robinson, R.C., Mwangangi, D.M. (2021) https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb7CCC/pdb If the structure of your ligand is from a source online cite as: Ligand image was adapted from: https://www.tcichemicals.com/US/en/p/A0626 Finally you can add additional information to your infographic as long as all the information in step 4 is there. 8. When your infographic is complete, click share, then scroll down and click download, click on file type and change to JPG, then click download. 9. Once the file opens, save it in your documents. 10. Start a new thread. In the title write the selected protein and your name separates by a dash. 11. Insert your infographic. 12. You will need to comment on at least two of your classmates’ work. Focus on the ligand structure and the interactions that your would expect based on the functional groups present. Also comment on the overall presentation. 13. The first post needs to be added by April 17 11:59pm. You can comment on your classmates posts until April 22 11:59 pm. * The name of the ligand is on the protein databank but you will need to search for the structure online in a general search, or you can draw the structure using ChemSketch or by hand. Just make sure the structure is clear because other students will need to identify the functional groups in the structure. Also make sure the ligand you select is an organic molecule not a metal. If there is no organic ligand, choose a different report.


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