Creation stories, or creation myths, are ancient narratives explaining the origi


Creation stories, or creation myths, are ancient narratives explaining the origins of the universe, humanity, and nature. They seek to satisfy human curiosity about our environment, and to answer fundamental questions about existence and our place in the world. Creation stories play a crucial role in preserving cultural beliefs and traditions, passing them down through generations. Studying these myths offers deep insights into the diverse worldviews and spiritual beliefs of different cultures.
Write a new creation story, based on the common elements of those we have read. You or a reader that you designate will read your story to the class, and may display it on the document camera, or post it in the classroom. In your story, you should address at least 5 creation “questions.” Your story should be original, be at least one page long (per person), and include a beginning, a middle, and an end. Your story should show continuity from beginning to end, and provide insight into the story’s author/culture.


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