Need to answer the question:Required: Barnard College students engage in the bold questions that define their generation. Choose one question that you have about the world around you, and explain why it matters to you. (150 words max). Please mind the word limit. I need an extraordinary answer.Get the macro level of the question. What is the game they’re playing? They wany to figure out who gets it and who doesn’t.
foe example there was once a question: “How many lives something conceptual has?” and a girl responded with “love has infinite lives” in her essay. That is what kind of responses they need.
Level of research you have done to answer the question gets you in (you found a club they have on their website, called the member, found out the answer).
They don’t want to hear what everyone says. You need to love what uni is, not what it stands. The detail is very important. (you basically need to tell them “I love you for the personality, not just the surface level”)
Read the mission statement of Barnard. They tell you what uni wants from you.
Terminology of uni, place you know in uni, just that you are aware of everything. Please do great detailed research to answer this question in the way they want. I want to do political science there, so ill attach my personal statement for UCAS for you to see what im interested in and ill attach my common app for you to see what kind of person I am to have an idea of what you can talk about. But please dont copy my common app or personal statement. come up with an answer you think would be perfect for them.
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