1-Developing a course syllabus and Course Description : CS 414 Advanced Sciences


1-Developing a course syllabus and Course Description :
CS 414
Advanced Sciences
Course Description: This course (research project) two-credit course represents the culmination of study towards the Bachelor degree of Science in Biology. It offers the opportunity to apply and extend material learned throughout the program. The course undertaken spans a diverse range of topics, including theoretical, simulation and experimental studies
Developing a course syllabus and learning activities for Nursing students in selected area following all elements of course syllabus;
Basic Course Information
College Name
Course Number, Section, Title, Location, Semester/Date
Instructor’s name, office hours, phone extension, E-mail address, webpage
Prerequisite information
Provide an overview of the course’s purpose
State general learning goals or objectives, and instructional methods
Student Learning Outcomes
Required textbooks, title, author, edition, as well as any recommended materials
Tentative Schedule
Include a Tentative Schedule for the date and time of each class meeting
List the topics, themes, or concepts to be covered each class session or week
Pre-class reading assignments
Grading System
Explain how students will be evaluated and graded)
Number and types of graded exams, quizzes, projects, and papers
Grading system—how are assignments weighted?
Briefly explain the content and format of each type of assignment
Discuss other factors affecting a student’s grade—participation, etc.
Provide a grading scale—if appropriate
State your policy regarding absences, delay, late work and make-up exams—include
Include a statement on plagiarism, classroom disruption, cell-phone noise, or other issues
2- critique on bachelor of science in nursing in the chollege of nursing in king Saud university


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