You will be making a scenario that centers on a fictitious patient that you will


You will be making a scenario that centers on a fictitious patient that you will be treating. You will pick one of the mental health diagnoses that we have been studying, but it needs to be approved by me first. Use the following guidelines to help you along your way. The final project will be a PowerPoint presentation with the following content enclosed including a reference page You will upload the presentation in canvas and will also present it to the class.
Project Guidelines and Grading Criteria:
Patient initials-Age, height, weight, BMI, vital signs, allergies, gender (5 points)
Patient social history-this will include facts about their family life, occupation, recreational aspects, religious or cultural aspects of personal life. (20 points)
Health history to include-diagnosis, patient’s chief complaint, history of present illness, allergies, current medications, past medical history, past surgical history, psychiatric history, family history of illness. (20 points)
Provide information about lab and diagnostic tests that the patient may receive as part of the illness. (10 points)
Signs and symptoms of the illness that your patient is presenting with (20 points)
Also, provide a summary that describes what you have learned from researching and doing this presentation. (15 points)
Use a minimum of 2 credible sources. These sources can be found from evidenced-based articles, peer-reviewed articles, and or textbooks. (10 points)


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