Watch the Eastern philosophy YouTube clips and respond to the following question


Watch the Eastern philosophy YouTube clips and respond to the following questions:
What are Lao Tzu’s suggestions for living? How are these suggestion useful for living in our context, i.e., a modern, technologically driven society? What are some specific ways you might implement these suggestions into your own life?

Discussion/Thought Question
10 points
Response is well-written at college-level. Work demonstrates good engagement with ideas, issues, and text(s).
10 pts.
Response is written at college-level, but with errors. Work demonstrates engagement with ideas and issues, but not text(s).
8 pts.
Response has too many errors for good college-level writing. Work demonstrates some engagement.
6 pts.
Response writen well-below college level. Work does not demonstrate acceptable engagement.
4 pts.
Nothing to evaluate
0 pts
Reflective Learning Journal
Reflective Learning Journal
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflective Learning Journal
10 pts
Full Marks
Essay is well-written at college-level. Work demonstrates good engagement with ideas, issues, and text(s).
8 pts
Above Average
Essay is written at college-level, but with errors. Work demonstrates engagement with ideas and issues, but not text(s).
6 pts
Below Average
Essay has too many errors for good college-level writing. Work demonstrates some engagement.
4 pts
Essay written well-below college level. Work does not demonstrate acceptable engagement with assigned text(s) or concepts.
10 pts
Total Points: 10


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