Topic one: front the book place to stand by jimmy baca satiago. Write a two to t


Topic one: front the book place to stand by jimmy baca satiago. Write a two to three page paragraph MEAL easy. About racism, poverty and self-esteem. Pick a quotation from the book or a paragraph from the book and site the page or paragraph you picked from. Using 12 Roman point and double spacing in an MLA format. Don’t forget to number your page and add your last name on the header.
Second topic. This time. You would be writing on the topic: In what ways is jimmy silenced and why? Through what means does he begin to have a voice. Only one the first assignment that have just the MEAL. This time you are writing an introduction, MEAL and conclusion on the above topic. Using the same MLA format and double spacing as topic 1. You can make this 3 to 5 pages. Attached is the ebook to read from, and note from the professor on the second topic of the assignment. Don’t forget to create space for my name, school, professor name, and date. Let me know if you need more details. And both of them is due on Monday.


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