Please write a paper in APA format about the decline in crime rate during the 19


Please write a paper in APA format about the decline in crime rate during the 1990’s, and be sure to cover all of the following:
Paragraph 1: An introduction paragraph that does not include the definition of key terms
Paragraph 2:
What happened to the crime rate in the United States during the 1990’s? Please be specific and provide statistics and cite your source(s) (.66)
What happened to the violent crime rate in the United States in the 1990’s ? Please be specific and provide statistics and cite your source(s) (.66)
What happened to the murder rate in the United States in the 1990’s ? Please be specific and provide statistics and cite your source(s) (.66)
Paragraph 3: (Paragraphs 3-5 are a discussion of some of the factors that are believed to have contributed to the sharp reduction in the crime rate in the 1990’s:
What is the broken windows theory? Give a complete definition, and cite your source (1)
What is broken windows policing? (1)
What was the first city to implement broken windows policing in the 1990s? (.25)
What happened to the crime rate in this city after the implementation of broken windows policing? (.75)
Name three other cities that implemented broken windows policing in the 1990’s (.25 each for .75)
Paragraph 4:
What is three strikes legislation? Give a complete definition, and cite your source. (1)
How and why were three strikes laws enacted in California and Washington? (1)
How many states currently have a three strikes law? (.25)
Provide a statistic that shows that shows a reduction in the crime rate after a jurisdiction enacted a three strikes law and cite your source for the statiistic ( 1)
By how much has three strikes legislation increased the prison population? (you can give a nationwide statistic or an individual state statistic) (1)
Paragraph 5:
Explain Steven Levitt’s theory about the impact the legalization of abortion had on crime rates(1)
Explain how Levitt links abortions to the crime rate? (1)
Upon what statistics does Levitt rely to support his theory? (1)
Paragraph 6:
Out of the three factors that you have discussed, which do you think has had the greatest impact on the crime rate? (1)
Explain. (1)

Paragraph 7: A conclusion paragraph


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