In Borkowski & Meese, 2021, pp.10-11, first hide the “scoring” p. 11, then answe


In Borkowski & Meese, 2021, pp.10-11, first hide the “scoring” p. 11, then answer the organizational behavior knowledge assessment questions. Based on the outcome of your knowledge assessment, how much did you already know about organizational behavior? Were you surprised with your assessment score? Why or why not? Were you satisfied with your assessment score? Why or why not? Identify three areas from the 20 questions where you desire to further develop your
knowledge and skills during this course.
I made 85 percent of the questions got right. I was surprised no. Wanted a better score, So I will learn a lot in class
Required Textbooks
Borkowski, N. & Meese, K. (2021). Organizational behavior in health care (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett.
Each post must cite and reference at least nursing one peer-reviewed source (5 years old or less) in APA 7th edition.


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