Each student must complete a 5-7 page (double-space, standard margins) term pape


Each student must complete a 5-7 page (double-space, standard margins) term paper (The bibliography does NOT count as one of the 5-7 pages) to receive a passing grade in the course. I prefer MLA Style. Here are the requirements:
All students must complete an acceptable term paper to pass the course and have their COMPLETED paper reviewed by the Virtual Writing Center on the posted date. (Regardless of examination scores, any student failing to submit this requirement will automatically receive an “F” in the course.
Please use standard margins and double-space your paper.
Each paper must include a MLA standard bibliography. (Please refer to https://owl.english.purdue.edu (Links to an external site.) or the AACC Library page)
Each student will include at least five different sources. (One of these sources must come from a newspaper.)
1. Using at least one of the College’s Library Databases ( JSTOR, Proquest, Academic OneFile, etc.) and other outside research tools, each student will choose one or two deadly epidemics that appeared on American shores from 1700 to 1865. Some of the questions that you might explore are (Please use your own questions as well):
a. Where did the disease originate?
b. What impact did it have on the individuals living in the effected areas?
c. How was the disease spread?
d. How did individuals combat the disease?
e. What reforms were initiated after the event?
f. ETC.
This term paper will receive two grades: one for writing and the other for content.


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