As a member of the Policy and Development Unit for the Virtual City Police Depar


As a member of the Policy and Development Unit for the Virtual City Police Department (VPD), you have been called into a meeting with your supervisor, several other police commanders, and the Chief of the VPD. This is what you are told by the head of the Criminal Intelligence Unit.
The City of Virtual has experienced a significant increase in crimes committed by high school age teenagers, both men and women. While the range of crimes is significant, Disorderly Conduct and Loitering has become the crimes the community is most concerned with. In the typical case, groups of teenagers are hanging out in the large parks after they have closed. These teens are then hanging out in the parks, playing music, yelling, and leaving trash in the parks. While there is no evidence of the teens using illegal drugs, there is evidence that the teenagers are drinking alcohol. At this time, it is not known exactly how the teens are obtaining the alcohol.
The City of Virtual Neighborhood Watch Association, and several religious leaders in the City of Virtual have sent a letter to the Chief expressing their concerns about this behavior, and the impact it is having in the community.
The Investigations Commander provided the following summary of the current evidence and intelligence:
The teens come from all of the high schools in Virtual City, and will gather with teens from other high schools. There does not seem to be any rivalries between the various schools. The gatherings usually start when it gets dark, and either break up around 1:00 am, or when police respond to the location.
There is evidence that supports that these gatherings are organized using social media. However, VPD does not have any specific information as to what codes are being used or exactly how social media is being used to advertise the gatherings. There does not appear to be a “leader” organizing these gatherings.
While there have been some arguments between the teens at these gathering, there have been few fights, and no evidence of the presence of illegal drugs, firearms or other weapons. However, some of the teens have been caught with alcohol. Empty cans and bottles, as well as other trash, have been found in the parks the next morning, and had to be cleaned up.
Many neighbors have called VPD to report the loud noise of the teens. Not only are the teens talking and yelling, they are playing loud music, and there is significant foot and vehicle traffic where these gatherings are.
The Virtual Neighborhood Watch, and the religious leaders are petitioning the Mayor for a plan to both prevent these large gatherings from occurring, and quickly disperse them if they do occur. While they do not advocate for the teenagers to be arrested, the community wants these disruptions to the residential neighborhoods to stop. The groups have offered their resources to address the issue.
The Chief has decided to form a  8-unit task force. This operation will be a collaborative effort involving both the Virtual Police Department and other appropriate “partner” agencies within the community and criminal justice system. The Policy and Development Unit will draw up the proposal for the Chief to take to the Mayor. Your supervisor gives this assignment to you.
Identifying 6 and only 6 departmental units that will be included in some manner on the task force from the Virtual Police Department Table of Organization chart. (See Virtual Police Table of Organization.)
NOTE: Selection of a “Commander” (e.g., Operations Commander) as a Unit includes the official and their immediate office staff. It does not include each of the subordinate units.
2. For each of the 6 units selected from within the Virtual PD you are asked to:
a) Identify the unit and briefly describe its typical operational/administrative role and regular duties in a law enforcement agency.

b) Explain why the unit was chosen for this task force, what role it will play on the task force.
NOTE: If a unit would do the same thing whether it was part of the task force or not, there is no reason to include it in the task force. For example, the Evidence Locker would handle any physical evidence exactly the same way whether or not it was on the task force.
If more than 6 units in the Virtual Police Department have a potential role on this task force, you must select the 6 units having the most impact and/or being most useful in achieving the goal of preventing the disorderly gatherings from ever occurring.
3. Additionally, you will identify 4 units in the Virtual Police Departmental units that will NOT be part of the task force. For each of these units not selected, you are asked to:
a) Identify the unit and briefly describe its typical operational/administrative role and regular duties in a law enforcement agency.
b) Explain why it was NOT chosen for this task force. Be specific. While some units’ specialty may not be involved with these events. Other units could be used, but their role may not be the best choice.
4. To complete the 8 unit task force, you will also identify 2 non-departmental organizations from the community that should be included in some manner on the task force
a) Identify the organization, and briefly describe its typical operational/administrative role and regular function in the community.
b) Explain why the organization was chosen for this task force, what role it will play on the task force.
c) Explain the role that the City of Virtual Neighborhood Watch Association, and the religious leaders will play in this task force as a partner.
NOTE: You are free to select any community-based, law enforcement, or other criminal justice organization. These non-departmental organizations should provide resources and options that the Virtual Police Department does not have on its own.
As well, any organization should be identified as being part of the City of Virtual. This means that if you decide to use a real organization, such as the “Maryland Boys’ and Girls’ Club,” in your task force, you would cite to their webpage, but identify the group in your paper as the, “City of Virtual Boys’ and Girls’ Club.”
One more word of advice: This paper will be presented by the Chief of Police to the Mayor of Virtual. Make sure you use the appropriate word choices and include the information the Mayor would need.
Format Requirements
Paper must be double spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1” margins all around.
All APA 7th edition format requirements must be followed (cover page, in text citations, reference page). Refer to APA/UMGC – learning resources found in the content page of this course.
You must have resources to support your thoughts/opinions/information. These must be cited both in text as well as at the end of the document. Your paper should not contain direct quotes, sourced material must be paraphrased.


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