This assignment is meant to be formal in nature. This means that I am reviewing


This assignment is meant to be formal in nature. This means that I am reviewing to ensure that you have thoughtfully completed the assignment by reading the required course material, viewing the supplementary materials, and substantively addressing each of the discussion questions below by drawing connections to course materials where relevant. Do not include direct quotes.
Step 1: Post your response to the following:
Look through the African American’s Policy Forum’s (AAPF) original #SayHerName ReporLinks to an external site., which expands the existing public discourse and advocacy to discuss the contours of Black women’s vulnerability to state violence. Page 32 under Resources there are eleven questions posed. Choose one question and create a SINGLE slide PPT presentation to illustrate your response while highlighting #SayHerName with resources and links to AAPF to educate others and encourage awareness
Drawing from course material, create a single slide PPT presentation to depict your response to the above.
Discuss your response by clearly and directly addressing the above prompt. In doing so, you are encouraged to be as creative as possible. For example, integrate a textbox, images, links, etc. There should be more than words on the slide.
To be clear, your response should include information from the course materials for support throughout.
Upload your slide to the discussion board.
Draw from the readings and other course content to answer question, reflecting on the prompt. To be clear, response must include course material to support opinions, ideas, and claims.
There is no minimum or maximum required word limit. Superficial or surface-level responses will result in a loss of points. You are required to address all parts of the prompt, and use proper APA citation style. Review APA In-Text and reference citations here: APA In-Text Citations.
Demonstrate written communication skills by using complete paragraphs, accurate grammar, and proper mechanics.
Essentially, all you’re doing is making a single slide of a Google Slides PowerPoint. and following the prompt above. PLEASE USE GOOGLE SLIDES. I have provided course readings in the File and below. ONLY USE PROVIDED SOURCES AS SOURCES PLEASE AND NO DIRECT QUOTES. CITE IN APA FORMAT.



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