his website (remains applicable from APA 6th to 7th) may also be helpful: htt


  his website (remains applicable from APA 6th to 7th) may also be helpful: http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2012/03/title-case-and-sentence-case-capitalization-in-apa-style.html 
Identify the process evaluation article that you chose and explain why you selected this example. 
Describe the purpose of the evaluation, the informants, the questions asked, and the results of the evaluation.
Identify the stage of program implementation in which the evaluation was conducted. 
Consider why the researchers chose to evaluate at that stage of program implementation. What kind of information would they have received if they had conducted the evaluation earlier or later? 
If you were to replicate the study, would you adjust it in any way for more optimal results?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Types of evaluationLinks to an external site.. https://www.cdc.gov/std/program/pupestd/types%20of%20evaluation.pdf 
TSNE. (2018, June 14). Process evaluation vs. outcome evaluationLinks to an external site.. https://www.tsne.org/blog/process-evaluation-vs-outcome-evaluation 
Process Evaluation Studies
Lachman, J. M., Kelly, J., Cluver, L., Ward, C. L.,  Hutchings, J., & Gardner, F. (2018). Process evaluation of a parenting program for low-income families in South AfricaLinks to an external site.. Research on Social Work Practice, 28(2), 188–202. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049731516645665
Vil, C. S., & Angel, A. (2018). A study of a cross-age peer mentoring program on educationally disconnected young adultsLinks to an external site.. Social Work, 63(4), 327–336. https://doi.org/10.1093/sw/swy033


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