Graphic Design Research paper: Visual Change in the History of Graphic Design Pu


Graphic Design Research paper: Visual Change in the History of Graphic Design
Purpose of assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to write about graphic design in
theory, history, and visual communication; to use design terminology and to create a well-argued
5 page finalized research paper which expresses understanding.
Students will choose from one of the prompt areas:
• Graphic designer from a marginalized group with a body of work created before 1990.
• Digital technologies and aesthetics in graphic design, 1984 to the present…
• Universal signs, symbols e.g. disability, travel, architecture
• Artistic changes to 20th c graphical art forms as countercultural gesture.
• Sustainable practices in package design
• Graphics as sculpture, works of art by graphic designers.
Note: your topic can touch on, but differ from these, but must include some component of
transformation or change present in the graphic work.
Req. 1. Abstract with topic sentence framing the context for the paper – due Oct 9.
Req. 2. Presentation of paper The paper should use Chicago Manual of Style, either
(author/date) or (notes/bibliography) system for all sources. Include one or more quotation or
block quote, properly cited and referenced. List or bibliography at end with peer-reviewed
sources only. Pagination, 1” margins,12’ font, title page are required. Student name, date, course,
my last name per page. Double-space, proofread, spell check the text. Note: Ai tools – the tool
must appear as a source in the list or bibliography. (CSU policy on Ai)
Req. 3. Images Include captioned image/s for all designs and add as a last page or pages (can be
a 6th page etc) Reference within the text as (fig. 1, fig. 2, fig. 3).
Req. 4. Content Introduce the paper with a thesis about the topic and what you want to achieve.
Example: This essay is an investigation of Futurist typography as a 20th c attack on classical
page designs of previous centuries. Give detailed description of any designs shown in the
discussion. Explain the work or the designer/s and talk about how it demonstrates change.
Compare and contrast to another work.
Tip: If discussing design start with the formal elements and how they relate to meaning. What
did the Futurists do with type to change meaning?
Req. 4. – Structure Page 0 – title page
Page 1 – introduction to artworks, connection (general information and thesis)
Page 2 – design/er in historical context/theoretical framework
Page 3 – description of artworks and analysis using form, content; meaning.
Page 4 – development of analysis to include ‘contrasting’ designs.
Page 5 – completion of analysis, conclusion.
Bibliography/reference list
Grading will be based on the strengths of the visual analysis, completion of requirements 1 – 4,
and attention to writing style, sentence structure, proofreading


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