A 25-year-old Hispanic female, computer programmer presents to your clinic com


 A 25-year-old Hispanic female, computer programmer presents to your clinic complaining of a 12-day history of a runny nose 
 States that her symptoms began about 12 days ago. She suffers from allergies; she gets a runny nose during the spring-time, pollen season. However, in the winter, her allergies are not a problem. 
 (BP) 115/75, (P) 89, (RR) 16, (T) 100.4°F (38°C), O2 sat 98% on room air 
 No signs of acute distress. Patient appears mildly fatigued. She is breathing through her mouth. Breathing easily. Voice has a nasal quality to it. 
 Ear canals: normal;
EYES: normal;
NOSE: Bilateral erythema and edema of turbinates with significant yellow drainage on the right. Nares: Obstructed air passages 
 Posterior pharynx: mildly injected, scant postnasal drainage (PND), no exudate, tonsils 1+, no
 Regular rate and rhythm, no murmur, S3, or S4 
 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources  


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