I need the writer to REVISE section 1 and section 2. After the writer revise sec


I need the writer to REVISE section 1 and section 2. After the writer revise section 1 and section 2, I need the writer to write out section 3. I need the writer to make sure that section 1, section 2, and section 3 have sources (citations) between the years of 2019-2024. It CANNOT be older than 2019. It MUST be between the years of 2019-2024. I will attach section 1 and section 2 below along with the instructions for section 3. I need this done by WEDNSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2024, BY 8PM. I will include my professors feedback from section 1 and section 2 to help with the revision. This is the instructions for section 3. “Once the goal and objective are complete, students use this goal and objectives to develop the health program that they will implement that will help them reach the objectives. Students will provide details on how they will implement this program by giving full descriiptions of activities (as mentioned in Section II) and how the activities will be implemented addressing determinants of health such as environmental factors, social factors, individual factors, and other barriers as related to addressing health behaviors. This section should not exceed 2 pages, typed double space using Times New Roman 12-point font. This section can be formatted in a table or narrative format for clarity and organization. NOTE: Students are required to submit revised and corrected sections with the newly written sections for each submission. When submitting Section III, students need to also include the revised and correction Section I and Section II along with the newly written Section III in one word document. Failure to submit the revised and corrected sections in each submission will result in an automatic 20-point deduction to the assignment grade.” Make the revisions for section 1 and section 2 on the file named “IPHC 457 Capstone Section 1 and Section 2”


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