Short document review, Emmeline Pankhurst’s Why We Are Militant (Perry, 209-212)


Short document review, Emmeline Pankhurst’s Why We Are Militant (Perry, 209-212)

Short document review, Emmeline Pankhurst’s Why We Are Militant (Perry, 209-212)
Make sure your review contains your name, course name, date, and title. Your short review should be (font Times New Roman, size up to 12, margins one inch, no extra spaces between paragraphs). You are reviewing this document as a potential historical source.
Your review should include a bibliographic citation which includes the author’s name, the work’s title, the place of publication, name of publisher, and date of publication.
• Divide your review into three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion
• In your introduction, provide some basic historical context for your paper making sure to relate it to the theme of the source you are reviewing. Follow with some information about the author. Think of the way the author tried to influence their contemporary audience. Identify the theme or thesis of the author’s work. Think of why the author write this work (agenda).
Think of what did the author try to say and how did they do it (method). Identify subtopics in the work (arguments) that support its thesis?
• In the body of your paper, explain how the author supports his/her thesis. Begin each body paragraph by presenting one specific argument the author uses and discuss the evidence (if any) they offer to support this argument. Does each argument/evidence/claim sound convincing or not? How so? Make sure to divide the body of your paper into paragraphs (one argument, one paragraph).
• In your conclusion, bring back the author’s main point/s, and assess their validity. Try to identify the potential audience of the book/source and assess the author’s success in proving heir thesis. State the work’s relevance as a historical source.


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