Review of Literature  Is the section organized by the variables, factors or con


Review of Literature
 Is the section organized by the variables, factors or constructs to
be addressed?
 Does the section include the following subsections?
o Review of research on the topic – Each construct
(qualitative) or variable (quantitative) is addressed
o Review of methodological literature – literature is
provided to support the methodological choice and
design of the study
Typically 20 pages
Synthesis of Research Findings
 Is there a discussion of the larger themes, inconsistencies, or
relevant patterns based on the research studies evaluated?
 Are both the strengths and the weaknesses of the theoretical
orientation and the project’s relationship with the previous
research on the topic discussed, both in content (research
findings) and methods (methodology)?
Typically 3 – 4 pages
Critiques of Previous Research Methods
 Is there an examination of the quality of the research reviewed?
 Are the methodological strengths and limitations of the works
reviewed? (rigor of designs, sampling errors, size of samples,
quality of research instruments, appropriateness of statistical
procedures, and any other issues related to the quality of
 Is there a well-constructed strong case in terms of research rigor?
Typically 2-4 pages


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