Students must select a human service delivery agency and write a 6 to 8 page pap


Students must select a human service delivery agency and write a 6 to 8 page pap

Students must select a human service delivery agency and write a 6 to 8 page paper on the agency and the population it serves. The paper will address the model of service delivery and the impact that the current social, political, and environmental factors are having and have had on the agency’s ability to deliver services. This paper will require some extensive research on policy, legislation, and laws as they pertain to human service delivery.
At a minimum the paper will address the following:
Historical overview of the agency (why and how the agency developed)
Service(s) that the agency provides
Client population
Method/Model of delivery
Policies, Legislation, or Laws (past present and possible pending future polices, legislation, and laws) and their affect on the agency (whether positive or negative)
The paper must be written in APA format with a title page, abstract and reference page. The paper must contain a minimum of 5 sources. Please utilize scholarly journals or books. Only 1 source may be a website. This paper must be 6-8 pages in length.


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