History & Politics – 6 slides minimum (3 slides per region) What are the major h


History & Politics – 6 slides minimum (3 slides per region) What are the major h

History & Politics – 6 slides minimum (3 slides per region) What are the major historical factors that have impacted wine production in the two regions you have selected? How has history colored the wine culture in that region/country today? Identify major political events that have impacted the production or consumption of wine in the regions. Introduction to the Region – 4 slides minimum (2 slides per region) What is the dominant culture surrounding wine in the regions you have selected? What are the cultural/social characteristics that define wine consumption and culture in the country you have selected? For example, when and where is wine consumed? Who drinks wine in the country and what are the popular styles? Identify any festivals, religious events, fairs, or events dealing with wine in the regions. Local Food – 2 slides minimum (1 slide per region) What are the traditional and trendy local foods that are paired with wine in your two regions? How does the local food in both regions you’re examining affect wine? Economic Impact – 2 slides minimum (1 slide per region) Identify if the economic impact of the production or consumption of wine in the regions (both) you have chosen. Do the selected regions export wine? How popular is wine in the region compared to other beverages such as distilled spirits, beer, coffee and tea? Are there many wine producers or is it dominated by a few? BIBLIOGRAPHY SLIDE (APA style) – 1 slide minimum REQUIRED!!! Failure to include will result in a zero


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