Hi, please help me with revising my project and writing a proposal for my projec


Hi, please help me with revising my project and writing a proposal for my projec

Hi, please help me with revising my project and writing a proposal for my project. The instructions are below, followed by the comments my prof. made for my project. The attachment is the project I’ve written. For this proposal, please pick a specific but not too difficult and profound topic for it. Please don’t use chatGPT, with simple English and critical thinking. Let me know if you have any questions, thank you.
Below are the instructions my prof. made for this assignment:
This assignment’s requirement is to write a proposal for your project. Based on the feedback each and every one of you have received on Brightspace regarding this assignment and based on the instructions given during the classroom, write a proposal of your project. This is not an essay but a blueprint of your analytical plan. Therefore, be pragmatic and realistic.
Word limit: Not more than 1200 words. Be succinct. APA style. Reference at the end, APA style.
Your proposal should contain the following sections:
Introduction and background information leading to what this document is about
What is the challenge/ problem we are trying to solve
Phrase the question
Compile the hypothesis – Is this related to any existing theory? What is known already?
Objectives: by compiling the objectives we break down our work to three or four parts. Once all objectives are addressed, we reach our goal and we answer the main question of the proposal.
Methods and DATA availability/ sources – provide a detailed descriiption of your data. Describe the features (the columns), the sample size, and the source. Make sure they are available to you and you have permission to use them.
Methods and data analytics: describe how you will analyze the data and how they are going to be used to answer each of your objectives.
Expected outcomes / metrics: explain what metrics you will derive.
Conclusion, so what? Explain the impact of this hypothesis in the marketing field.
Timeline/ Roadmap/ Milestones: offer dates and milestones you expect to achieve by then
Comment my prof. made for my project:
“Do you have in mind a particular sector of small business? I am asking this because your project descriiption is too general. Without focusing on a specific sector or a specific brand, or something that is yours, I believe it will make the project a very general essay.
Methods: Certainly here you mention data sources. Yet this is not enough, we need town if there are indeed data to answer your question. Please provide details of the dat you will be using, what is the sample size? how many features they have (columns), do they need cleaning? Where are they available from?
Also, the methods is the section where we describe the metrics and how we will analyze the data. Again, this is a very generic descriiption. Imaging you are in from of your laptop and you have data to analyze, what is the first action you do? what do you implement? what analytics you use? These all I recommend to include in the following up assignment.”


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