There are many leaders that see the importance of happiness in the workplace and


There are many leaders that see the importance of happiness in the workplace and

There are many leaders that see the importance of happiness in the workplace and some organizations have leaders who actively attempt to boost their employee’s happiness. Google is one example of a “happiness friendly” organization where initiatives are facilitated by their Chief Happiness Officer. However, there are still some skeptics about the importance of happiness, even some organizational leaders.
In this scenario, you are a leadership consultant and based on your doctoral education, you know of the importance of happiness in the workplace. Unfortunately, the CEO of the organization you are currently working with doesn’t see the importance of happiness. You are to write her a letter to convince her of the importance of happiness in the workplace. In a letter to her, that may be no more than four pages double spaced, address the following:
Explain what happiness is, its components (including positive emotions), and how it works.
You must explain the broaden and build theory of positive emotions. Briefly describe the theory and how it works.
Explain the research and outcomes of happiness/positive emotions in general and specifically at work. This will overlap with the next prompt:
Give her reasons, backed up by research, why she should care about having happy employees.

Feel free to provide examples to illustrate points. You many incorporate any of the recommended readings or other research articles not included in Modules 6 or 7.
For this assignment, you should write the letter directly to the CEO (i.e., Dear Ms. CEO, …). Format this as a letter, however be sure to still include a cover page, reference page, in-text citations, and use double spaced 12 point font.


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