Please use my final resume PDF to help with creating this assignment. This assig


Please use my final resume PDF to help with creating this assignment. This assig

Please use my final resume PDF to help with creating this assignment. This assignment was supposed to be done before my final resume draft.
You’ve already reviewed three internships/jobs in Module 2. Now, you will analyze one of them or find a new/recent one (job postings preferred). This work will help you tailor your resume and cover letter for specific job postings.
Copy the job posting into a document.
Highlight qualifications and expectations with different colors according to your personal judgment and knowledge about the market. Some job postings state minimum and preferred qualifications. However, some of them are not obvious. You should find them! You can use
“yellow” for the most important,
“green” for the secondary, and
“blue” for the less important qualifications.
Open Track Changes (or similar tool) in the software and add comments for each minimum and preferred qualification. In these comments, state how your related qualifications match or do not match the position’s requirements. If your skills do not match the requirements, think about how you can cover these requirements as soon as possible.
Think about what is most impressive about this job posting for you (e.g. best fit for your background/skillset, high salary, working place or remote opportunity, career development, the company goal, other motives, working hours, family-friendly, etc.). At the end of the word document, write your thoughts about the job. Do you believe this job is perfect for you? Why?


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