Instructions: A thought piece paper. Select an issue that is important to you re


Instructions: A thought piece paper. Select an issue that is important to you regarding the future of sustainability. Discuss how the built environment plays a role in that issue, and what you think needs to happen both globally, locally and personally. Cite a potential mentor that you could follow to encourage your engagement. The paper is to be a maximum of 8 pages, double-spaced, in 11- point Arial or 12-point Times New Roman font. Follow standard rules of citing per APA (guidelines posted). The paper should include subsections as needed, and a bibliography. Any other significant supporting material can be included in an appendix (does not count toward page total). A 10% penalty will be applied for each page over the 8-page maximum.
*****Please follow instructions as you best can. I have also included the assignment instructions that is a bit more detailed in what is needed on the rubric. The overall content square gives you a better idea on what to focus on.**** If you add graphs and tables, please include from where they are underneath the image. I believe 6 pages is good for the information, title page, appendix with tables/graphics and references do not count towards those pages.
Idea of topics:
There are two topics I was thinking of: 1) roles of fisheries in the US for human consumption or 2) renewable energy resources for islands in the Caribbean (Puerto Rico has a problem with its energy infrastructure right now) Either topic would be good just needs good sources from papers.
Do not hesitate on messaging me if any questions.


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